My cousin Kara had this quiz on her blog, so I went to take it. Not quite sure what to think about the results, but kind of fun. If you haven't read Twilight or New Moon or are missing out. If you like to wait until a series is all finished, you may want to wait until next year when the final book comes out. Otherwise you will have to wait like the rest of us! Grrr...
Which Twilight novel character are you?
Which Twilight novel character are you?

You're Bella Swan - You are intelligent and kind but not quite sure what you want out of life yet. You have a feeling there's something more out there for you. You're attracted to those who are real and avoid the fake. Sometimes you're a bit accident prone, but your true friends will always be loyal to you and come to your aid when you need it.
Take this quiz!
I have not read these books, nor have I read even ONE of the Harry Potters. I have no idea why I haven't but I haven't. Weird. I think I'm waiting for the chance when I'll get to buy a laptop, go and finish writing my two transcripts, then I can read the rest of the week in a hotel by the beach. Then...I'll read these series'. Am I crazy?
I took the quiz and I'm Esme :)
Ohhh I just can't get enough of those books!! After I finished Eclipse, I started over again with Twilight. This is going to be a long wait for the next book! :(
Somehow we'll survive. :)
Guess I'm going to have to start the copy of Twilight that I've had sitting here for weeks now ...
I can totally see you as Bella. I was Jasper! That didn't surprise me. I thought I would be Jasper or Emmett. Brittany is Edward. Krista is Esme. Funny!
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