This week has been crazy busy. I can't believe it is already Friday!
THREE THINGS I have realized this week:
1. Days really are only 10 minutes long!
2. I have become a personal my children!
3. I have a tween! Gabe is a tween!
All of the above have been "AH-HAH" moments, or rather "OH NO!" moments for me.
We have added baseball practice for Gabe and Ethan into the mix and will add soccer practice in next week for Abram. Every Saturday morning until the end of October will be filled with two baseball games and a soccer game. I don't know what we will do if they are all three at the same time. The fields are all within a mile or two of each other, but still! What were we thinking?? Somehow we will manage. I just know that the next two months are going to fly by, AND I am going to have a lot of great pictures to digiscrap!
I haven't been able to do as many layouts as I wanted but have at least been able to do the ones below. The circus layout was done using a template and took me about 10 minutes! I can't believe how incredibly awesome the world of digital scrapbooking is. I have finished more layouts in the last few months than I have in the last few years! Probably 75% of my supplies have been "freebies" downloaded off the Internet. You wouldn't get that much free stuff with paper scrapping!
I am so hooked. This is what it is like to have an addiction. Don't worry, I have already evaluated the fact that I could easily neglect my family, house, and any other obligations because of this addiction and have tried to limit my time on the computer the last few days to only be on when those other obligations have been taken care of. :) Let me tell hasn't been easy!
One more week left in this class...dang it. I have LOVED it! Fortunately, our instructor Jessica Sprague is starting an intermediate class in a month or so and those of us who have taken her first class are guaranteed a spot! ((I am dancing right now...good thing you can't see me!))
(click to enlarge)

(oops, sorry, that delete was me)
Anyway, cute layouts!!! Oh and YAY! TWEENS! I have 2 tweens and 2 teenagers and one toddler. That's like a math equation, let me demonstrate:
2 teens
2 tweens
+1 toddler
5 minutes to myself
oh and about the digiscrapping, my husband just put Photoshop CS2 on my computer for my photography business, and now I'm finding myself saying "ok, if I get ALL the laundry done, I can get a diet Coke and play on the computer with pictures for 30 minutes. Between Photoshop and the Family History site, I'm always looking for a few minutes of quiet in the office. I guess it's better than Target shoppin' right? NOT!
They look just as great as the first time I saw them!! Can't wait for class #2 to start ... it's been so much fun being a student with you :) P.S Alli's equation totally made me laugh!!! Sounds just exactly right!
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