Jayne took three sessions of swim lessions this summer. She was afraid to put her face in the water at the beginning, but was soon jumping like a jelly fish and diving for the dolphins (toy dolphins, of course). She loved floating on her back and counting to five. She especially loved to use her arms and hands like ice cream scoops to “scoop” up the water like ice cream. By the end of her last session she could swim the width of the pool!

Our little Jayne... you are such a beautiful little girl. I often look at you and wonder how we were so blessed to have such an adorable little person come into our family. With your curly hair, big brown eyes, infectious laughter, and sweet smile, you have us all totally in love with you!
Smart girl to post your journaling!! You are quite clever, aren't you? And a fantastic student ;)
Why thank you, my dear friend.
ab. so. lutely. gorgeous.
...hello, why did I get teary????
Alli- cuz she has never met you! So come over. Right now.
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