Tuesday, June 30, 2009

On my desktop

This is what I have had on my desktop for the last month, lucky me!
My sweet little niece Eden who is now so very far away from her FAVORITE!!!


Lois Michael said...

So cute Tori!

Laurie said...

Awww! She is so cute! Very cute desktop calendar. :)

Anonymous said...

sigh....she is so very cute! Miss you!

Kari said...

Oh, she's cute!!

Anonymous said...

She is adorable! Hey, I don't have your email, but when you get a chance could you send me any pics you took of me and my girls this weekend? I want to post them, but I can never remember to take the dang pictures myself! Thanks! mmafinch@msn.com

Suzy Hicks said...

Eden is so adorable. Hope you are having a good summer.

Jill said...

Eden is just to die for and I miss her too...AND YOU TORI! Let's get together after school starts asap:)

Kari said...

Knock, knock ... anyone home?!?! You are a lamer blogger than I am, and that's pretty pathetic!!!!