Tuesday, August 07, 2007

The Pioneer Woman Cooks

My friend Beckie sent me an e-mail about this web site this morning, and I haven't been able to do anything else all morning but read this blog as well as The Pioneer Woman!

Oh my gosh, talk about beautiful pictures, amazing recipes, and hilarious accounts of a city girl's life on a ranch. Memories of myself growing up on a ranch (until I was 12) came rushing back, and made me smile. So, thanks Beckie! I had lots of plans for what I was going to accomplish this morning but instead...I have been stuck on the computer! Notice I have put these links into my daily blog reading list so you can be stuck too!


Alli Easley said...

I love her! I've been reading her foreva! Have you read her post about "Hell"? It's the most awesome pic of her and 6 questions about it. I am in love with her...so glad you know her too!!!

...and yes...like your cousin's blogs...I can get sucked in for hours while reading the Pioneer Woman.

Tori said...

I can't find the post about Hell. Course I spent the rest of the day trying to find it while reading all her other stuff. Completely unproductive day!!! (except for reading blogs)

Kari said...

You deserve a day off every once in a while ... especially since your kids aren't back in school yet! Now go get a copy of Eclipse so you have something new to read (I'm assuming you already read her ENTIRE blog so you don't have that to read!)!!

Kara said...

Holy crap! That blog is awesome and the pictures! Thanks for sharing!